竹内内科小児科医院 院長
医療法人社団五良会 理事長

[End of Year Greetings for 2024]
Dear Patients,
Thank you for your continued patronage of Takeuchi Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Clinic throughout the year. We are truly grateful to have had so many patients visit us in 2024. Although our clinic is still developing, we have dedicated ourselves to maintaining the health of each and every one of our patients. We take this opportunity to express our gratitude once again.
Additionally, I will be personally providing outpatient services at our branch, Goryokai Clinic Shirokanetakanawa, on December 29th, 30th, and 31st of 2024, and January 2nd and 3rd of 2025, with the exception of New Year’s Day. On January 4th, I will be available from 5 PM to 10 PM at the Denenchofu Medical Association Clinic. We strive to ensure that you do not experience any inconvenience during the holiday season, so please do not hesitate to visit us at Goryokai Clinic Shirokanetakanawa if you have any health concerns.
Furthermore, Takeuchi Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Clinic will resume regular operations starting January 4th, 2025 (Saturday). We kindly ask for your continued support.
We sincerely hope that the new year brings you and your family health and happiness. We look forward to serving you at both Takeuchi Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Clinic and Goryokai Clinic Shirokanetakanawa in 2025.
Thank you very much.
Dr. Yoshimasa Goto,
Director of Takeuchi Internal Medicine and Pediatrics
Clinic Chairman of Medical Corporation Goryokai